Normatec Compression Recovery Tools
How It Works
Instead of using static compression (squeezing) to transport fluid out of the limbs, NormaTec Pulse Technology uses dynamic compression (pulsing).
Our patented pulsing action more effectively mimics the muscle pump of the legs and arms, greatly enhancing the movement of fluid and metabolites out of the limbs after an intense workout.
Veins and lymphatic vessels have one-way valves that prevent fluid backflow. Similarly, NormaTec Pulse Technology uses hold pressures to keep fluids from being forced in the wrong direction.
Because of this enhancement, instead of tapering pressure off, the PULSE and PULSE PRO can deliver maximum pressure in every zone.
Digital Release
Because extended static pressure can be detrimental to the body’s normal circulatory flow, Sequential Pulse Technology releases the hold pressures once they are no longer needed to prevent backflow.
By releasing the hold pressure in each zone as soon as possible, each portion of the limb gains maximal rest time without a significant pause between compression cycles.
Using the patented NormaTec Pulse Massage Pattern technology, the NormaTec hip attachment uses compressed air to massage the muscles in your lower back and upper legs, mobilizing fluid and increasing recovery time. The system works slowly up the muscle groups, pulsing in a manner that simulates the natural muscle pump rather than using potentially damaging static compression.
The NormaTec hip attachment will calibrate to your unique body shape, so that you get the perfect fit and, as such, a personally optimized recovery session every time. Rather than the normal one-size-fits-all approach of recovery equipment, this system uses the most advanced technology to ensure your rehabilitation is tailored to your needs. This, combined with the Pulse system’s Zone Boost setting, allows you to ensure that any problem areas in your lower back or upper legs are well attended to.
The NormaTec hip attachment is made from premium materials, with durable, lightweight, high-quality nylon, and hassle-free integrated tubing.
Increases Range of Motion
Peristaltic pulse dynamic compression rapidly enhances acute range-of-motion with less discomfort
Gene Expression in Human Muscle Tissue
Peristaltic pulse compression appears to upregulate rps6 and downregulate Stat1, which may facilitate positive adaptive responses to exercise.
Clear Metabolites Passively
Intermittent pneumatic compression significantly lowers blood lactate concentrations when compared to a passive recovery group.
Lessen Pain Sensitivity
Peristaltic pulse dynamic compression is a promising means of accelerating and enhancing recovery by reducing muscle tenderness from pressure stimuli.
Improve Endothelial Function
A single bout of peristaltic pulse compression improves conduit artery endothelial function systematically improves RH blood flow in the compressed limbs.
Decrease Muscle Fatigue After Acute Exercise
External pneumatic compression increases flexibility and reduces select skeletal muscle oxidative stresses and proteolysis markers during recovery from heavy resistance exercise.The NormaTec hip attachment is made to provide full coverage of your quads, hamstrings, IT band, glutes, adductors, abductors, obliques and lower back - a notoriously difficult area for injuries. The attachment features NormaTec compression zones - each zone overlaps with adjacent zones to guarantee gapless compression.
Pulse Compression as a treatment for DOMS
A 30-minute treatment of Pulse compression increases blood flow in the lower extremity, possibly making Pulse compression a viable option in the management of exercise-induced muscle damage (DOMS).
NormaTec Upregulates PGC-1a and eNOS
A 60-minute bout of whole-leg peristaltic pulse compression transiently upregulates PGC-1a mRNA, while also upregulating eNOS protein and Nox concentrations in biopsy samples.